Tuesday 13 September 2011

Zany Scientist

Do you need to be first person to wonder about bizarre event to be a scientist??? do you need to be shabby, scratching hair less or less haired  head?? must you be a squarish rat in a roundish hole?? It is you working quirky in a murky place called lab???


No I dont think one should be such zany to be called a scientist... I would say one must think of some thing ordinary, in a extraordinary way to be a scientist !! Simplest and most widely used example is the apple tale of Newton. Had he not thought of gravity(extraordinary thing) when a apple fell on his head(ordinary thing), It would have been some one else who might have reported the presence of gravity(probably me or you as well !!). Same theory goes right in case of Archimedes. Who rather than enjoying a bath in a cozy tub screamed out saying "Eureka"!!!

So here are few tips by which you can be a scientist as well as a normal human being.

1) While gulping a sandwich/burger just do not think about 'Rhizopus stolonifer' (bread mold). The bread is most enjoyed without a thought of it being infected with fungus.

2) Appreciate Rajaneekanth movies!! Do not try to give scientific meaning to it. Yes I know most of the scenes may make you be doubtful about Newtons' invention (Ofcourse gravity!!) !!

3) Do not as ask your friend to fill 60ml (60000 micro-liter) of booze to your glass. Just ask for a small peg he/she will understand.

4) Try not to think about crazy talks when you are out of seminar/conference hall. Be informed the free food and drink are also part and parcel of scientist' life.

5) Also consider taking snaps of world around you. Cells and structure under microscope are not the only substance in the world which can be imaged!!

Phew.. these are only some features mentioned above. lets end this post with with one of Albert Einsteins' quote;

“A question that sometimes drives me hazy, am I or are the others crazy?”
- Albert Einstein